From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

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Navigating in SketchUp

Navigating in SketchUp - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

Navigating in SketchUp

- [Instructor] In order to work in SketchUp, you will need to know how to navigate through your scenes. So let's take a look at some of the basic navigation tools in SketchUp Free. So we can find them along the bottom here. You'll see we have this flyout, and we have five tools. We have Orbit, Pan, Zoom, Zoom Window, and Zoom Extends. So let's start off at the top with Orbit. Now, the hot key for this is the letter O. And when you press this, you'll see that your cursor changes to this orbit icon, and all you have to do is left-click and drag, and you're orbiting about the scene. Now, this tool can do more. If you look in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, you'll see it says drag to orbit, but also it says Shift equals Pan. So if I hold down the Shift key, you'll see my icon changes to the Pan tool. And so now I can pan left, right, or up and down in my scene. And if you hit Control, it suspends gravity. Now,…
