From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

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Manipulating faces and edges

Manipulating faces and edges - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

Manipulating faces and edges

- [Instructor] In addition to moving, rotating, and scaling objects, we can also do that to faces and edges within an object. Now, we've used these a little bit when we created objects. Remember that faces are the surfaces of the object and then edges are the lines that border them. So if we want to, we could select a face or an edge and move it, rotate it, or scale it. I'm going to go ahead and select this face here and then hit M for move. And you could see I can move it left and right. I can also move it forward and back. Now if you move it left and right, it's very similar to what we have with the push/pull tool. So if I select, say this face here, I can move it and maybe extend that roof a little bit. We can also do the same with edges. So if I were to select this edge here, again, hit move, M and just move it vertically, I can extend that roof. Now I can also use rotate and scale as well. So let's select the edge of…
