From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

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Creating outlines with Offset

Creating outlines with Offset - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

Creating outlines with Offset

- [Instructor] Now if you want to add detail to your models, you can use the offset tool. Now this will take a face and create an outline of it, either inside or outside of that face. So let's start off by creating a non-square face. So I'm going to go ahead and start with the rectangle tool. And let's just draw kind of a long thin box here and then another one here. And we're going to create something that looks a little bit like the letter T. Select my erase tool and erase that little line in the middle there. So now I've got this face and let's use that to create an offset. Now the offset tool can be found in the same group as the push/pull tool. So let's go ahead and select the offset tool. And all you have to do is hover over face, left click and drag. And so what we can do is we can drag that outside or inside of that surface. So if I drag it outside, it creates additional geometry. If I select the tool again and…
