From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

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3D drawing with the Line tool

3D drawing with the Line tool - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

3D drawing with the Line tool

- [Instructor] The line tool in SketchUp Free is very powerful. You can actually draw entire objects with just the line tool. So let's take a look at how to draw a 3D object just using lines. So let's go ahead and select our line tool. Again, the hot key is L and I'm just going to drag this out in the red axis, make a perpendicular line along green, go back to red and you can see how it inferences over to that opposite point. And then just connect that. So now I have a rectangle and I can draw vertically from that as well. So if I go vertically on the blue axis, that's great. Go along the red axis and notice how again it's snapping to that opposite point. So if I left click here, I know it's directly across from this point as well. So I can drop that along blue. And now I have something happening in two dimensions. Now if I want to close that up, all I have to do is click on this top corner, move over. And…
