From the course: Learning Moodle 3.6

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - Moodle Tutorial

From the course: Learning Moodle 3.6

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

- [Instructor] The General Data Protection Regulation or the GDPR is a privacy law in the European Union which went into effect in May of 2018. The law aims to give control to users over their personal data, the GDPR imposes new rules on companies, government agencies, non-profits, and other organizations that offer goods and services to people in the European Union or that collect and analyze data tied to them. With the release of Moodle 3.5, Moodle has updated the platform allowing GDPR compliance with features such as the ability to set up age checks where digital age of consent can be enabled. User agreements outlining how information will be used, which users must agree to before using the site. And also managing data requests and data deletions allowing users to request their data or request that their data is deleted. Inside of your profile you'll now see a privacy and policy section if it's been enabled by your administrator. Here you can see that I have contact data…
