From the course: Learning Moodle 3.6

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Adjust your grading scale

Adjust your grading scale - Moodle Tutorial

From the course: Learning Moodle 3.6

Adjust your grading scale

- [Instructor] Let's take a quick look at how to adjust the gradient scale so that it fits your course or institution's policy. Now in order to do this I'm going to go to the left hand side and click on Grades. This brings us to the grade book which we just took a look at. Now if I scroll down a little, you'll see here we have these different tabs. I want to click on the letters tab. This is going to show us the letter grades associated with different percentages. Now this may be one that's been entered in by our institution or you might be fine with the default one that's in here. But if you want to edit it or make changes you can do that. I'll go up to the top here and click Edit Grade Letters and then it allows us to make changes. All we need to do is click override site defaults and I can go in here and make those changes, so I'll change this to a 92 percent. Let's say then I need to change this to an 82 percent and we can go in and make those changes. Now maybe you want to get…
