From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Objects: A practical introduction - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Objects: A practical introduction

- JavaScript is a prototype based object oriented programming language. That means, at its core, when we work with JavaScript, we're working with objects, and these objects are based on prototype. which is a very technical and confusing way of saying JavaScript works very much the same way we humans work with objects in the real world. So the quickest path to understanding JavaScript is through understanding objects and how they work. Because an object in JavaScript is pretty much the same as an object in real life, except it's written in code instead of created as a physical object. Let me show you what I mean using my backpack. This backpack is an object. This object has many identifiable properties like color, size, et cetera. We can give all of these properties recognizable names and then use them to describe this individual backpack objects. This backpack has the color gray. That's a property. If we fill it all the way up, we'll discover its volume is 30 liters. Another property. It has a bunch of pockets, 15 I think, that's a property. It has seven straps as a property, et cetera, et cetera. Object properties define the specifics of this one particular object. That way, I can have several backpacks, and why they're all backpacks, each has its own set of properties which makes that backpack a unique object. Now, I said JavaScript is a prototype based object oriented programming language. That means, each object is a unique instance of an object prototype. I have a lot of backpacks. The reason I can say they're all backpacks is they share common properties which define them as belonging to the backpack category. They all have two straps on one side, I can put my arms through. The area behind those straps is flat so it fits comfortably against my back. And they all have an opening at the top. This properties describe the prototype of a backpack and the particular combination and configuration of these properties define each individual backpack. This object prototype makes it easy to identify an existing bag as a backpack. You can check to see if it has the properties that match the prototype, and makes it easy to create a new backpack. Simply describe it by filling the property values. This prototype based object orientation allows us to do in programming, what we as humans do every time we encounter a new object and catalog it in our minds. We look at it, note its properties and think, this thing has the same collection of properties as this other thing I already know. So even though it is a different thing in appearance, the similarities in properties means its the same object type. And there's more, objects can have features built into them allowing us to change their property values. This backpack has several such features. A lid that can be opened and closed, a zipper to open and close the left and right sides, Strap adjusters to change the strap length, et cetera. In JavaScript, these property changing features inside an object are called methods. Which makes sense if you think about it, there's a method for opening and closing the backpack, a method for lengthening the straps and so on. These methods act on the current object only. So if I open this backpack using its top access method nothing happens to this other backpack because it's an entirely separate object. Oh, and one final thing, objects can contain other objects. So inside this backpack object, there is another object, a headlamp. And because the headlamp object is inside the backpack object, it is quite literally a property of the backpack object for as long as it's in there. This headlamp has its own set of properties, color, size, battery status, et cetera, and has its own set of methods, I can turn the light on and off, I can adjust the strap, I can charge it and so on. The headlamp object like the backpack object is a unique and separate object. It can be included inside another object, or it can be separate. There can be one or many of them and changing one object does not change the others. This mental model of objects described by their unique properties based on an object prototype whose individual properties can be modified using internal methods, is what I want you to keep front of mind as we explore JavaScript together.
