From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Understanding JavaScript

Understanding JavaScript

- Imagine the web as a rock band. HTML would be like the bass and drums, creating a foundation for all of the other musicians in the band. CSS would be the rhythm guitar, establishing a bass chord structure for the music and filling in holes where the lead singer wasn't singing. JavaScript be that lead singer. Without JavaScript, we could have functional webpages, but they'd be a little boring. JavaScript is the special sauce that makes the webpage interactive. Most of those items that change online are driven by JavaScript. Panels that expand and contract, intricate animations, dropdowns and fade outs, error checking, and infinite scrolling. All of these things have some type of JavaScript behind them. JavaScript is a scripting language invented in the mid-1990s by Netscape, the company behind an early web browser. JavaScript and Java have nothing to do with each other. Java is used more for applications, particularly in Android-based applications and in big data. JavaScript was born…
