From the course: How to Become a Purpose-Driven Journalist

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Filtering solutions

Filtering solutions

- What I do as a journalist that really matters is to help further understanding, and about complex issues. How do we help distill what is happening in the world in a way that can further understanding that it can lead to meaningful solutions. You know, when I covered George W. Bush, he used to always call the media the filter. He'd say, "I don't want to have to talk through the filter." And it's always had me thinking about really the enormous responsibility that we have as journalists. And filter is in some ways a good way to think about it because what we're doing is providing context and understanding. People in positions of power have an enormous megaphone to put out their point of view or their particular policy solution. As journalists, we have to put it in context and add facts so that ultimately it furthers understanding in the pursuit of informed citizen you need and a better democracy. And so I just, I think…
