From the course: How to Become a Purpose-Driven Journalist

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A strong support system

A strong support system

- I started my broadcast journalism career at NBC News, working alongside many powerful women who had chosen not to have children, and so when I became pregnant, I was nervous. I was nervous that I would, that I would not get the choice assignments any more, that I wouldn't be able to balance, you know, being available all the time, you know, as journalists sometimes are, early in the morning till late at night, and balance the needs of journalism with being a mother. And I was nervous about that, and then of course I had twins (laughing), which made it a little harder too. But I remember my boss at the time, Tim Russert, being so incredibly supportive of me, and the other women I worked with being so incredibly supportive of me, and my male producer helping ship home my breast milk for me, that I knew that we were all in this together, and I shouldn't have been worried about it in the first place. So I sort of look…
