From the course: How to Become a Purpose-Driven Journalist

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A new day for women in politics

A new day for women in politics

- I fundamentally believe that we are at a transformational point in American history. And I believe that the world is changing, and I do believe that that new day is almost here. There are six women running for President of the United States. Just as important as watching one of those potentially win, it's also important that we see women fail publicly, because we know they can fail and get back up. So that's important, that's changing. You know, here's an interesting data point. EMILY's List, which is a democratic-leaning organization that helps women get elected to office, in the 2016 election cycle there were 900 women that contacted them and said, "Hey, we need help running for office." In 2018, there were more than 40,000 women who contacted them and said, "I want help in terms of running for office." Think about that, more women are saying, "I can do this. "I want to be involved in politics." And so, slowly we're…
