From the course: Generative Voice AI: Text-to-Speech and Voice Cloning Tools

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Voice cloning with Descript's Regenerate and Overdub tools

Voice cloning with Descript's Regenerate and Overdub tools

From the course: Generative Voice AI: Text-to-Speech and Voice Cloning Tools

Voice cloning with Descript's Regenerate and Overdub tools

- [Instructor] I'd like to finish by showing you Descript's Overdub and Regenerate tools, which are fully integrated voice cloning tools, built right within Descript's editing platform. Now Descript is a comprehensive audio and video editing application that is grounded in text-based editing, integrating voice cloning in this environment really does empower podcasters and other content creators with a powerful one-stop shop. I'm going to show you how this works at a high level. I will not be getting into the nitty gritty details of Descript itself, but I want to show you enough so that you understand how Overdub and Regenerate work. So here in Descript, I've recorded my script. This happens to be an interview question and I'm going to play it for you and you'll notice that there are definitely some issues, some mistakes, some things I would like to clean up. Hi, Connor, thanks so much for joining me today and speaking about this. You know, very important, very timely topic. So this…
