From the course: Generative Voice AI: Text-to-Speech and Voice Cloning Tools

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Text-to-speech and voice conversion with ElevenLabs

Text-to-speech and voice conversion with ElevenLabs

- [Tutor] Let's now take a look at ElevenLabs, which supports not only text-to-speech, but also some very impressive speech-to-speech voice conversion tools and voice cloning. So just create an ElevenLabs account and you can get started with some really powerful free features. I'm going to start with text-to-speech and I'm just going to copy and paste the same script that we were working on in the previous movie. This is just a promo about the benefits of text-to-speech technology. And this is a very simple interface, but it is very powerful and I'm just going to start by going through, you know, some of the AI voices that I might want to use. You can either use some of the pre-made options in ElevenLabs or you can create your own and I'll show you a little bit how to do that later in this video. But let's just preview some of these pre-made voices. - [Adam] Allow the world to live as it chooses and allow yourself to. - [Tutor] This one is extremely popular. It's used all over the…
