From the course: Everything as a Service (XaaS) is the Future of Business

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Digital transformation and XaaS

Digital transformation and XaaS

- The world is in the opening years of a fourth industrial revolution and it's impacting almost every aspect of the human experience. The first industrial revolution began in Europe in the 1700s and it was defined by the use of steam as a way to propel machines and transport, the growth of cities and the invention of new material such as steel. In the 1800s, a second revolution ushered in the era of electricity, mass production, and telecommunications. By the mid 20th century, a third revolution arrived that brought electronics and information technology to the world. In each revolution, the world before was different from the world after. Each was transformative. Now as we progress through the 21st century, a fourth revolution is underway. This one may be more groundbreaking than any of the prior periods. Rather than impacting certain regions, the fourth industrial revolution has greater scope and impact on the…
