From the course: Digital Strategy

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What is AI and where is it headed?

What is AI and where is it headed?

From the course: Digital Strategy

What is AI and where is it headed?

- Radiologists specialize in interpreting medical images for possible signs of cancer or other diseases. Clearly in his or her work a radiologist deploys a high level of human intelligence. Software programs are now starting to interpret some type of chest CT scans to detect lung cancer even better than board certified radiologists. These software programs illustrate what we would call artificial intelligence, or AI. The term AI refers to software algorithms that can replicate, even if poorly, tasks that have historically required human intelligence. AI can exist in the form of a pure software program, for example, cancer detection systems, or a combination of hardware plus software, for example, drones. AI applications are now becoming embedded in almost all our specs of economic, social and personal life. Managing mutual funds, helping you find a better romantic partner, or even personalized counseling. Let's look at how the…
