From the course: Digital Strategy

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The key takeaways

The key takeaways

- Today's digital technologies are like a hurricane that is disrupting the structure and dynamics of every industry, be it autos, banking, education, or retail. - Here are some of the key takeaways from this course on digital strategy. - Look at digital disruption as a gift rather than a problem. - Beware the digital lipstick syndrome. Embrace digitization with gusto rather than slowly and half-heartedly. - Make customer obsession and growing customer value the most important guiding principle behind the development of your digital strategy. - Look for opportunities to expand the digital content of your products and services, to build new, purely digital products and services, and to digitize every activity in your organization's value chain. - Embrace the era of increasingly larger and more open ecosystems. Within these ecosystems, master the art and science of both value creation and value capture. - Leverage…
