From the course: Digital Strategy

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Rethinking strategy in the digital era

Rethinking strategy in the digital era

From the course: Digital Strategy

Rethinking strategy in the digital era

- Business strategy is the answer to two key questions. First, what game do you want to play? That is, the opportunity space the company sees itself playing in. Second, how will you play that game? That is, how the company intends to compete in this opportunity space. Digital disruption upends answers to both questions. Consider first how digital disruption transforms the nature of the game itself. Companies still playing the retail game put themselves at a serious disadvantage vis a vis those who have chosen to play the marketplace game. Take brick and mortar retail. For over two millennia, the game for every retailer has been to buy goods that targeted customers are likely to need, and then sell these goods to them. Contrast this approach with that of Amazon. Even though Amazon does sell goods from its own purchased stock, bulk of the company's revenues come from marketplace operations. That is, where amazon…
