From the course: Digital Strategy

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Harnessing the wisdom of crowds

Harnessing the wisdom of crowds

From the course: Digital Strategy

Harnessing the wisdom of crowds

- In 1714, the British parliament announced the Longitude Prize, inviting the public to help solve the greatest scientific challenge of the century, one that had defied even Isaac Newton and other leading scientists. For any maritime nation being able to pinpoint a ship's location at sea by knowing it's longtude was crucial for both economic and military supremacy. The best solution came from John Harrison, a carpenter and clock maker with little formal education. As this historical event suggests novel solutions to complex problems often come not from the specialists within the field, but from those working in very different arenas. Digital technologies of today are enabling organizations to implement similar approaches to tap into the wisdom of crowds to help solve a diverse array of problems. The term 'Wisdom of crowds' refers to the insights and knowledge of a large number of people often working in very different…
