From the course: Digital Strategy

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Embracing the new era of ecosystems

Embracing the new era of ecosystems

From the course: Digital Strategy

Embracing the new era of ecosystems

- 100 years ago Ford Motor Company epitomized the era of vertically integrated companies. Ford not only manufactured almost all components for the cars that it assembled, it owned coal and iron ore mines, timber lands, rubber plantations, a railroad, ships, saw mills, steel mills, and a glass factory. Plus many other operations in the supply chain. Today's Ford is radically different. Even though it remains one of the world's largest auto companies, it performs only some core activities in house. For example, manufacture of engines and assembly of cars. For most operations the company relies on partners in a much larger and more open economic ecosystem. The term economic ecosystem refers to a network of organizations. Interacting with each other as suppliers, collaborators, competitors, and customers. As well as the external environment. Since no organization ever operates in a vacuum economic ecosystems have been…
