From the course: Digital Strategy

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Digitizing existing products and services

Digitizing existing products and services

From the course: Digital Strategy

Digitizing existing products and services

- Look at some examples from today's everyday reality. Chances are your car has rear-facing cameras, satellite navigation and Bluetooth connectivity. Need to deposit a check? Just open the bank's app on your phone and upload a photo of it. Staying at a hotel? Simply check in via the phone, which can also become your electronic key. No industry today can escape the imperative to start digitizing every product and service. We propose five guidelines for doing so within your own company. First, never pursue digitization for its own sake. Instead, focus on customer value. Consider John Deere, the world's largest farm equipment company. In the early 2000s, Deere started incorporating GPS-guided self-steering into the machines. The logic: the rider can do other work while sitting in the cabin and also be less tired at the end of the day. Today, the vast majority of the crop acreage in North America is farmed using this…
