From the course: Digital Strategy

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Building purely digital products and services

Building purely digital products and services

From the course: Digital Strategy

Building purely digital products and services

- Dropbox is a wonderful example of a highly successful, purely digital product and service. Let's look at this case from the lens of three hurdles that any founding team must cross in order to succeed. Discovering a customer need, building a technology solution, and developing a business strategy. Drew Houston, an MIT graduate, cofounded Dropbox in 2007, one year after finishing college. From the get go, Dropbox's mission was to help users share, sync, and store files across devices. How did Drew discover this customer need? Traveling from Boston to New York City, Drew realized that he had left his USB drive at home. Frustrated, he used the time to design a solution to his own problem. The takeaway? We consume dozen of products and services everyday, personally and professionally. Very few, if any, would deserve a rating of nine to 10 on a one to 10 scale. We probably also face many frustrations throughout the day and…
