From the course: Digital Strategy

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Avoiding biases and other pitfalls

Avoiding biases and other pitfalls

From the course: Digital Strategy

Avoiding biases and other pitfalls

- Like all technologies, AI algorithms can also be misused or abused. Foreign interference in the 2016 US elections is a well-documented case of abusing the power of artificial intelligence. There are at least three ways that well-meaning organizations can unintentionally misuse AI. Once aware, they can also mitigate the risks of doing so. First, AI can lead to the persistence and even amplification of historical biases. Algorithms learn by being trained on data. But what if the data themselves are biased? What if biased lending decisions by a bank were influenced at least partly by racial biases? What if recruiters were historically biased against women and minorities? What if the policing system and the codes were historically biased against certain sections of society? Biases embedded in the data are likely to get amplified when machine learning algorithms trained on such data make predictions and drive new decisions…
