From the course: De-Escalating Conversations for Customer Service

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Yelling or cursing customer

Yelling or cursing customer

- Some people use bait tactics to try to get what they want. They'll say something just to get you to react. They're trying to take your power so that they're in control. A lot of the time when a customer uses profanity or yells, they're baiting you. If they can throw you off, get you emotional or frustrate you, then they have the upper hand. They want you upset. They want you to give in. Because then, they think they'll have a better chance of getting what they want. Even if they don't get what they want, they felt a sense of power from their rant. When a situation escalates to the point of the customer yelling or cursing, you have two objectives. You must assertively set boundaries for what you won't tolerate, and you must immediately regain control. I sat down with a team of skillful escalation agents, and one of the questions I asked them was, what's your best response to the customer who uses profanity, yells at…
