From the course: Customer Service Strategy

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The role of customer service strategy

The role of customer service strategy

From the course: Customer Service Strategy

The role of customer service strategy

- Having an effective customer service strategy has never before been so important. There are three big reasons why, and let's look at them here. One reason having an effective strategy is so essential, and it's probably no surprise, is that customer expectations are evolving, and rapidly. When customers experience service innovation with any organization, they know what's possible. They begin to expect the same of others. So you've got to have a plan that guides your services and that's flexible enough to enable you to continually revisit what good service means. And the stakes are high, of course. You know, it's easy for customers to tell others about bad experiences through reviews and social channels. But if you consistently deliver great service, they'll share positive experiences, which is a powerful force working in your favor. Companies that stand out in competitive markets, Trader Joe's in groceries, in printing services, Starbucks in restaurants, to name just a few…
