From the course: Customer Service Strategy

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Gauge the effectiveness of the customer service strategy

Gauge the effectiveness of the customer service strategy

From the course: Customer Service Strategy

Gauge the effectiveness of the customer service strategy

- Is there a secret to ensuring that your customer service strategy is effective? Are there common denominators among organizations getting the best results? Generally speaking, organizations that achieve great results have well-established customer service strategies that are understood and used. And organizations that struggle usually lack clear direction. But there are exceptions. Sometimes I'll find what seem to be reasonably good customer service strategies in organizations that struggle. Why is that? Why are strategies in those cases not more helpful? I've observed four key factors at work, and you can use them to take inventory and get a good sense of how well your strategy is performing. One is visibility. Your strategy must be visible and frequently referenced. It's not just a document. It should be a living, vibrant guide to making decisions and assessing priorities. In organizations where strategy works well, it tends to be routinely cited and used by top-level management…
