From the course: Coaching Your Team in a Dynamic Workplace

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Feedback coaching tool

Feedback coaching tool

- Coaching is often a future-focused activity thinking about what could be achieved in the future. And that's exactly how the process should be. But if you're not helping your team to use past data, if you're not encouraging reflection on how they've approached challenges, and if you are not discussing feedback gathered from others about how the individual has come across, you're missing a trick. So as a coaching manager, it's your job to help your team members use feedback to feed forward and determine how to approach work most effectively in the future. When it comes to feedback coaching, there are three key areas to focus on: First, personal reflection. Encourage your team member to reflect on their performance, achievements, and relationships regularly, and use this process to help create a future strategy. My advice is to keep it simple, as the easier the process, the more likely your team member is to practice…
