From the course: Coaching Your Team in a Dynamic Workplace

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Building your coaching skills

Building your coaching skills

- People often assume great coaches are born with an innate ability to naturally coach others well. This just isn't the case. We do know that sometimes people have a natural ability to display some of the skills required to be a good coach but even in these instances, those skills need to be honed, sharpened and developed over time. So all coaches need to work at being a better coach regardless of whether coaching comes naturally or not. I'm going to share with you some key areas to focus on to continue to build your coaching skills. You may want to delve into some of these in more detail later but for now here's an overview to get you started on your continual development journey as a coaching manager. Develop your listening skills. Often at work, we listen with the intent of preparing how we need to answer to get our point across or to support our argument. When coaching, you need to listen with the intent of…
