From the course: Business Development Foundations: Alliances & Partnerships

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Business development alliances and partnership takeaways

Business development alliances and partnership takeaways

From the course: Business Development Foundations: Alliances & Partnerships

Business development alliances and partnership takeaways

- Congratulations, you've made it through the entire course on establishing corporate partnerships. Hopefully, you have a broader understanding of what defines a successful deal between two organizations. You have some tips on how to assess the landscape, identify potential partners, and negotiate a deal that is valuable to both parties. So what's next? Now is the most important part, taking action. It doesn't matter if you're just starting out in business development or are trying to optimize a high stakes opportunity. What you do, right now, will determine the value you take with you from this course. Make sure you understand your organization's strategic vision and priorities. Define the corporate ecosystem you want to explore. Negotiate deals with an eye toward expanding the pie, minimizing risk, and building support across your organization, and keep learning. There are some great courses right here on LinkedIn…
