From the course: Business Development Foundations: Alliances & Partnerships

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Build support for your alliance with peers

Build support for your alliance with peers

- Anyone involved in strategy or innovation needs to be able to build support across the organization. After all, your partnership won't work if your colleagues don't implement it and your executive team doesn't champion it. So, how do you communicate your vision and more importantly, build buy-in with your colleagues, and leadership? Start with a story. In your story, your company and your peers are the heroes. Start with where the hero is today. Show how the hero gets where they want to go. And really focus on how the hero is better off once they've reached the destination. Your story needs to engage and inspire. It's the what and the why. Once you have your peers' attention and commitment, you can begin digging in on the how, but don't start with all the details. Start with emotion. Share your vision and your conviction that this is a good path. A key element of building support with others comes from putting…
