From the course: Building a Resilient Web

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How JavaScript frameworks like React work

How JavaScript frameworks like React work

From the course: Building a Resilient Web

How JavaScript frameworks like React work

- [Instructor] JavaScript front-end frameworks like React and Vue and Angular have changed the way we build websites and applications and how those websites and applications work. This has had a significant impact on resilience in the negative direction. Built without due consideration for resilience, websites using JavaScript frameworks can be extremely irresilient, or non-resilient. They basically don't work unless JavaScript works and a whole bunch of other conditions are met. That doesn't mean we should stop using these frameworks, though. It does mean we need to think carefully about how we're using them and how to make the things we build with them resilient. To start that conversation, it's necessary to understand what JavaScript frameworks do in a general sense, and I'm not talking about how to actually use them or how they make development easier. I'm talking about what they do in the browser as they run. Here's a…
