From the course: Building a Resilient Web

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Further reading

Further reading

- [Instructor] At the beginning of the course, I said the idea of "Resilient Web Design" came from Jeremy Keith and the web book he wrote. Now that you're finished with a course, I encourage you to go read this book cover to cover. You can read it as a web book, download it as a PDF or an EPUB for your e-reader or even listen to Jeremy read it back to you in Audio Files or podcast. This book provides a wealth of information and historical background on why the web works the way it does today, and why resilience is such an important concept for the future of the web. While you're at it, I also recommend reading the HTML design principles in full and to read some of the classic works on progressive enhancements, including the 2008 article by Aaron Gustafson on "A list apache". These texts combined with what you've learned in this course will help you establish your own resilience mindset as we embark on the ongoing…
