From the course: Building a Resilient Web

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Declarative robustness, imperative fragility

Declarative robustness, imperative fragility

From the course: Building a Resilient Web

Declarative robustness, imperative fragility

- [Instructor] The robustness and resiliency of the web platform rests in large part on the declarative nature of its core markup languages, HTML and CSS. Let me explain that a bit deeper. HTML and CSS are both declarative coding languages. Declarative languages express the logic of a computation without describing its control flow. That means the language describes what the program is meant to do rather than describing how to accomplish that task as a sequence of specific steps. Declarative languages leave the how to the implementation of the language, which in our case is the browsers using the defined standards for how to interpret the code. HTML and CSS declare the programmer's intent. Make a heading level one and give the text the color red. And the browser then figures out how to make that real based on its rules and the implementation standards. Because of all this, declarative languages are resilient at their core.…
