From the course: Building a Resilient Web

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Care and feeding of links

Care and feeding of links

- [Trainer] Finally take care of your links. Now this was never part of the original idea of resilient web design as defined by Jeremy Keith, and it's not really something we talk about much when we talk about the web, at least not outside of SEO circles, but keeping the information published on the web accessible is part of making the web resilient, and that means making sure all links work and work properly. I suggest employing a content strategy just for links to do this. Just like we have a content strategy for our content where we map out what the content is, where it is, who owns it, what status it has, et cetera, et cetera, we have to do the same for all links. Document every link to every element, clearly state who owns that link and is responsible for its functioning and most crucially, have a strategy in place for what to do if a link changes or the resource changes. This sounds like a lot of work, so let me make it…
