From the course: Building a Resilient Web

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Accessibility is the job

Accessibility is the job

- [Instructor] I said it at the beginning of the course and I want to repeat it here because it's such an important principle. The core promise of the web is accessibility of information over the internet. Accessibility is arguably the most important aspect of the web and the web platform offers up accessibility in spades out of the box. Now that we've broken down how the web works and how to work with it, I hope you see how accessibility and resilience go hand in hand. Proper semantic HTML affords accessibility and resilience. Break either accessibility or resilience and the other one breaks too. Whenever I talk to designers, developers, content creators, or site owners, I always tell them the same thing, accessibility is the job, everything else is secondary. If it's not accessible, the job simply isn't done. That should be a given especially considering the place accessibility is given in the HTML design principles, but…
