From the course: Becoming an Agile Coach

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Agile coaching: Inquiry over direction

Agile coaching: Inquiry over direction

From the course: Becoming an Agile Coach

Agile coaching: Inquiry over direction

- Curiosity is something that all coaches need to harness in themselves. When you do harness it, it deepens your relationships with your coachees. This is because when you're truly curious about something, you step out of the perspective of an expert. As soon as you remove the expert view, you move deeply into the partnership with your coachee. It's not enough to simply ask questions. It's really about asking the right questions. My son taught me this lesson when he entered his teen years. Here's how it went. My son would come home from school and I'd say, how was school today? He'd reply with a one word answer, usually the unenlightening word fine and that was the end of the conversation. However, I was asking the wrong questions. We've all been trained during our school years to ask information gathering questions like the one I was using. My son answered my question and I gathered information from his response.…
