From the course: Becoming an Agile Coach

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Agile coach: Conflict facilitation

Agile coach: Conflict facilitation

From the course: Becoming an Agile Coach

Agile coach: Conflict facilitation

- One key understanding for an agile coach is to realize that conflict is not a bad thing. In fact, it can be a positive force on teams. Your role as a coach is to help teams harness conflict for their benefit. As teams pursue excellence in their products, their skills, and their agility, conflict is inevitable. There's a common framework to understand the levels of conflict. It was developed by Speed Leas many years ago and it's still relevant today. Here's the conflict chart. And I've included a copy in the exercise files for you to download and use as you'd like. I found that this is a wonderful framework to share with the teams. Again, as coach, you're not a referee who will decide who's right and who's wrong. You're not coaching to solve for anyone. You're coaching the teams to solve for themselves. So how do you use this chart as a coach then? Well, as the team is coming together, I share the fact that conflict is…
