From the course: Azure Solutions Architect Expert (AZ-305) Cert Prep: Design Identity, Governance, and Monitoring Solutions

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Comparing monitoring solutions

Comparing monitoring solutions

- [Instructor] Okay, so let's talk about monitoring solutions and let's compare some of them. So with monitoring solutions that we have for Azure Monitor, they will provide an analysis of the operation of an Azure application or service. In this video, we're just going to cover some of them and what they are, how we can use them. But let's not forget there's no cost in using these monitoring solutions, but in order to use them, we need to have some data collected. That data to be collected needs to be ingested in the log analytics workspace, needs to be hosted that, and as we know, there is charges in ingesting data and of course hosting that data in log analytics workspaces. But the idea is let's have that data and let's generate some valuable information from that raw data. And we have here some available solutions, like for example, the Active Directory health assessment, that we can use to optimize your Active…
