From the course: Augmented Reality Marketing

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Designing an AR marketing campaign that serves your brand

Designing an AR marketing campaign that serves your brand

From the course: Augmented Reality Marketing

Designing an AR marketing campaign that serves your brand

- [Instructor] Every project, whether it's a traditional marketing campaign or augmented reality, needs a project plan. I'm not going to tell you how many months or days each step takes because every campaign is different. An AR activation with one call to action, like a link to your website, won't take as long as a month's long AR campaign across social channels for the launch of a brand. The length of the process will depend on your specific AR campaign. Before the production process begins, make sure you have buy-in from key stakeholders including financial and executive buy-in and backing for the project. You will also need to identify a dedicated project manager or project team. Let's dive into the design process. I've created a small handout to accompany this video that you can download and use to follow along. The first step is to come up with the concepts for the campaign. Are you doing the campaign around a…
