From the course: Augmented Reality Marketing

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Defining your brand's identity when using AR

Defining your brand's identity when using AR

From the course: Augmented Reality Marketing

Defining your brand's identity when using AR

- [Instructor] Once you've started planning your AR campaign, it's time to define your brand's augmented reality identity. We'll do this using the six pillars of AR marketing. These include the traditional five Ps in marketing, which are product, price, place, people and promotion. The sixth pillar is performance, which is how we judge the campaign's success. Let's start with people. I believe the people pillar is the most important thing to consider when developing augmented reality content. Remember, your customer is part of the experience. You're asking them to be active participants in your campaign. So what's your AR brand voice? Is it active, passive, helpful or playful? Think about how that plays in an immersive space, where things are completely different. Now, let's talk about the second P, product. How does your product fit into augmented reality? Will you be showing product features, utility, or is it something…
