From the course: Advanced Lead Generation

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Buying committee detail

Buying committee detail

- [Instructor] Very rarely these days is there a single person responsible for the entire buying decision at a B2B organization. Even small companies typically have more than one person that will chime in and influence the decision and according to CEB, "the average enterprise buying organization now has more than eight members of the buying committee." So your developed personas are a basis for now building out how those individuals interact as a part of the buying committee. If you haven't done so or need context, go ahead and revisit the movie Buyer Personas in this course. Not all buying committee members have the same role and responsibility. Oftentimes for example, there's an executive sponsor, an executive who will greenlight the deal once his or her team has vetted options. There's a decision maker that will gather feedback from internal constituents and there may even be negative members of the buying committee…
