Campaign budgets

Last updated: 4 months ago

Campaign Manager gives you control over your ad campaign budgets by providing several budget options. All budget options use lifetime pacing, which manages how your budget is spent throughout the duration of your campaign. To help you achieve key results for your campaign, lifetime pacing predicts platform activity and optimizes budget distribution and spend accordingly.

Important to know

LinkedIn recommends that advertisers don’t change the start date of a campaign to within 24 hours of the current campaign schedule, as campaign updates might not be fully implemented in time. Advertisers might be charged between the old and new campaign start dates if the start date is changed to 24 hours or more beyond the current campaign schedule.

Dynamic Group Budget

As an advertiser, you can use Dynamic Group Budget to set a campaign group budget and one objective for all campaigns in your campaign group. Dynamic Group Budget will then automatically and continuously find optimal auction opportunities for your campaign group’s objective. Dynamic Group Budget supports a daily budget or lifetime budget. 

Important to know

Setting both a daily and lifetime budget is not available for Dynamic Group Budget at this time.

Daily budget

Daily budget is the average amount you’d like to spend per day for your campaign. Campaign Manager automatically recommends a default daily budget for new ad campaigns. The recommendation is available at the campaign level and is personalized based on your ad account to provide more predictive budget guidance. 

Important to know

• Default daily budget is only available for USD and EUR currencies at this time.

• Default daily budget is available at the campaign level only. Dynamic Group Budget does not support default daily budget as it optimizes the budget for a campaign group, rather than an individual campaign.

You can set a daily budget on a continuous schedule or with a set schedule. If you select daily budget, your campaign will continue to accrue charges daily for the duration of the campaign. If you add a lifetime budget in addition to a daily budget, the total spend for the campaign won't exceed your lifetime budget amount.

Schedule type Description Example
Continuous schedule When you set a daily budget with a continuous schedule, it’ll be paced throughout a virtual week (Monday through Sunday). While your campaign’s actual daily spend will vary, your campaign won’t spend more than seven times your daily budget in a week. Actual daily spend might be up to 50% higher than the daily budget amount on a given day. If you set your daily budget to $100 and you set a continuous schedule with no end date, your spend on a given day might be up to $150, but the total spend for the week (Monday through Sunday) won’t exceed $700 ($100 per day x 7 days).
Set schedule When you set a daily budget with a start and end date, the total campaign spend won’t exceed the amount equal to your daily budget multiplied by the number of days in the schedule. Actual daily spend may be up to 50% higher than the daily budget amount on a given day. If you set your daily budget to $100 and you have a set time schedule with a start date of January 1 and an end date of January 31, your spend might be up to $150 on any given day. Your average spend over the duration of your campaign will be about $100 daily, and total spend for the entire duration of the campaign won't exceed $3,100 ($100 per day x 31 days = $3,100).

Lifetime budget

Lifetime budget is the total amount that you’ll spend for the entirety of your campaign’s schedule from start date to end date. When you select lifetime budget, the daily budget spend is paced to optimize performance during the lifetime of the campaign.

Schedule type Description Example
Set schedule

To maximize impression opportunities and drive optimal results for your ads, the daily spend of your campaign will vary. Daily spend might be impacted by factors such as seasonality, traffic, ad inventory, and bid type.

When you select lifetime budget with a start date and end date for your campaign schedule, your lifetime budget must be equal to or greater than a minimum budget. The minimum budget required is determined by the duration of your campaign and will be displayed if the set budget is too low. 

You could spend 10% of your budget on a particular day and 30% on another day, based on the impression opportunities. However, your total spend will never exceed the lifetime budget of your campaign.

Both a daily and lifetime budget

Important to know

Setting both a daily and lifetime budget is not available for Dynamic Group Budget at this time.

When you select both a daily and lifetime budget, you’re able to set both a lifetime budget and a daily budget guideline for your campaign. Lifetime budget is the total amount you will spend for the entirety of your campaign schedule. Daily budget is the amount you would like to spend per day. By combining these options, you’re guiding the daily pace and total spend of your campaign.

Schedule type Description Example
Continuous schedule with no end date

When you select both a daily and lifetime budget, you can only set a continuous campaign schedule with no end date because your campaign will end when the lifetime budget amount is reached.

Daily spend might be up to 50% higher than the daily budget entered to optimize your campaign for impression opportunities in the ad auction and drive results for your campaign. However, total spend will never exceed the lifetime budget of your campaign.

You set your lifetime budget to $1,000 and daily budget to $100. On a given day, your spend might be up to $150, according to the market opportunities. However, the total spend of the campaign will not exceed $1,000. 

Since a campaign in which you set both the daily and lifetime budget can only be on a continuous schedule with no end date, the campaign will end when you have spent the entire budget of $1,000, after approximately 10 days.

Important to know

Total budget options are no longer available for new campaigns. Existing campaigns with total budget options will continue to use total budget settings until the campaign is completed.

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