Customize the image and title of a LinkedIn Page post preview

Last updated: 9 months ago

As a super or content Page admin, you can customize the preview image and title of an article or website URL posted on your LinkedIn Page.

To customize the title and image when of a posted URL:

  1. Access your Page super or content admin view.

  2. Paste the URL into the Start a post box at the top of the screen.

    • An auto-generated thumbnail image may appear in the preview if one is available, along with the article or website title.
  3. Click the Edit icon below the text box.

  4. To customize the image, click the Image icon below text box and select an image from your computer. To customize the title, click Edit article title and enter your new title.

  5. To adjust the privacy settings, click the dropdown and select the correct audience. The default setting is Anyone.

  6. Click the Post button.

When adding an image to your post, please keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Use a 1.91:1 ratio (1200x627 pixels).

  • The image must be more than 200 pixels width.

    • If your image width is less than 200 pixels, it will not display in the larger image format. Instead, images will appear as a thumbnail on the left side of the post.
  • Images on mobile won't be cropped. Images of other ratios will show in full with subtle white padding.

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