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Welcome to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW): guardian and interpreter of science in the Netherlands

Knowledge and creativity as the basis of our society.

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Stay informed of developments within Dutch science and the KNAW.

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Wim van der Putten appointed interim director of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology
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Academy's response to report of inappropriate behaviour by Leiden University professor
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New Board of Management KNAW appointed
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New government’s austerity plans detrimental to Dutch higher education and research
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Academy selects 17 new members
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Alzheimer’s Disease without symptoms. How is that possible?
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The meetings of the KNAW are for everyone, from general interested people to scientists.Discover what meetings are coming and hear from the best Dutch experts.

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Abel Prize Evening 2024
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Climate Narratives: Art, Science and Climate: Aiming for Impact
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The electricity system: enabler or barrier for the energy transition?
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Consultations relating to the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
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Award of the Gilles Holst Medal to Petra de Jongh and the Bakhuis Roozeboom Medal to Shlomo Havlin
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Evening of the Abel Prize 2023 - Highlighting the work of Luis Caffarelli
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Read advice, brochures and other publications of the KNAW for and by scientists.

More publications
Academy President’s Annual Address 2024: Research knows no borders
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New government’s austerity plans detrimental to Dutch higher education and research
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The future of Europe depends on robust, open and free science and education
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Research knows no borders: Preserve the open science system
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Cover adviesrapport Successful and timely uptake of artificial intelligence
Successful and timely uptake of Artificial Intelligence in science in the EU
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Kālidāsa’s Kingship among the Khmers
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