2.1.0 26th February 2024

  • Update: License and Updater.
  • Update: Settings Framework.
  • Fix: Product tabs “Start all closed” not applying.
  • Fix: Issue with WPML and size chart translation.

2.0.28 3rd January 2024

  • * Fix: Issue with default fields not showing for checkout coupon modal.

2.0.27 17th November 2023

  • Update: Woo Blocks to integrate in other block areas.
  • Fix: Billing select in admin issue.

2.0.26 14th November 2023

  • Fix: Issue in checkout fields on admin order screen.

2.0.25 13th November 2023

  • Update: Cart banner options text.
  • Fix: Consent checkbox in reviews not being forced.

2.0.24 21st August 2023

  • Fix: Flash of unstyled gallery when loading.

2.0.23 15th August 2023

  • Fix: Possible issue with slider thumbnail styles.

2.0.22 14th August 2023

  • Update: Context Provider for 6.3 support of post preview in templates.
  • Update: Splide to prevent conflicts with third party plugins.
  • Fix: Issue with cart notice.

2.0.21 15th June 2023

  • Update: WooCommerce Template notice.

2.0.20 1st June2023

  • Update: Allow auto-play to adjust slider height.
  • Update: Allow multiple tabs blocks to have different enabled tabs.
  • Fix: Issue with slider height adjustment when selecting a variation.

2.0.19 17th May 2023

  • Fix: Issue with image links opening a new tab.
  • Fix: Issue with product title block and Affiliate links.

2.0.18 4th May 2023

  • Update: Attributes blocks to work in loop.
  • Fix: Issue with gallery ratio sizing.
  • Fix: Issue with top rated and best selling blocks using loop.
  • Fix: Issue with affiliate link settings when using a custom template.

2.0.17 31st March 2023

  • Fix: Issue some custom checkfield field slugs.

2.0.16 30th March 2023

  • Fix: Issue with 6.2 and templates.
  • Fix: Issue with checkout data missing in admin.

2.0.15 27th March 2023

  • Fix: Issue with custom checkout fields causing an error.

2.0.14 24th March 2023

  • Add: Better built-in lazy load to product gallery.
  • Update: Declare HPOS support.
  • Fix: Issue with thumbnail image swap size.
  • Fix: Issue with gallery gap in list view.
  • Fix: Issue with translating values in checkout.

2.0.13 6th February 2023

  • Fix: Issue with FSE theme and header/footer styles.
  • Fix: Possible PHP notice about $gallery_args.
  • Update: Size Chart, hide responsive table settings unless in the classic editor.

2.0.12 20th January 2023

  • Fix: Issue with WC update and removing quantity field.

2.0.11 19th January 2023

  • Fix: Possible issue with gallery in panels

2.0.10 17th January 2023

  • Update: Gallery Styles and JS for better multitype support.
  • Update: Add filter to allow swatches to be loaded in archives for Quickview plugins.
  • Fix: Issue with FSE theme and header/footer while using a template.
  • Fix: Issue with gallery sizes causing potential multiple loops.
  • Fix: Issue with WC update and removing quantity field.
  • Fix: Issue with Tag and Sales woocommerce blocks and product loop templates.
  • Fix: WPMl issue with custom checkout fields and email and account page.

2.0.9 14th December 2022

  • Add: Setting to assign product loop templates to a category of product, regardless of the output page.
  • Update: Allow custom loops to work with woocommerce blocks.
  • Update: Extra fields to show in order review.
  • Update: Allow global tabs to be linked to through their anchor.
  • Update: Option to allow global tabs to have an override title so admin viewing is easier with multiple global tabs.
  • Fix: Issue with Gift Card extension and custom templates.
  • Fix: Issue with size chart not showing correctly on custom templates.
  • Fix: Issue with gallery arrows and RTL layouts.
  • Fix: Issue with image sizes in custom product loop.
  • Fix: Issue with styles and ajax loaded product loops.
  • Fix: Issue with fade transition affecting grid layouts.
  • Fix: Issue with checkout required fields when field is hidden.
  • Fix: Issue with single column main query block on mobile/tablet.
  • Fix: Prevent swatches from interacting with PW WooCommerce Gift Cards.
  • Fix: Styling issue with snackbar notice.
  • Fix: Issue with custom attribute not showing tooltips in swatches.
  • Fix: Issue with responsive columns in upsell block.
  • Fix: Issue with two descriptions or tabs blocks on the same template.

2.0.8 26th August 2022

  • Fix: Issue with two swatch settings showing in attributes and not saving.
  • Fix: Typo in settings.

2.0.7 4th August 2022

  • Add: Option in attributes to define dropdown or radio box select type.
  • Update: Simplify swatches tooltips js.
  • Update: Improve taxonomy meta data.
  • Update: Add to cart block to not be clickable in editor.
  • Update: Improve third-party support for add to cart block.
  • Fix: Possible issue with lightbox not updating variation images
  • Fix: Snackbar notices empty cart issue.
  • Fix: Snackbar Notices Paypal issue.

2.0.6 29th July 2022

  • Update: Language pot file.
  • Fix: Possible issue with svg and brand images.

2.0.5 28th July 2022

  • Update: Basic prebuilt template for loop.
  • Update: Add fullwidth button option to product loop.
  • Fix: Show Caption overlay on images.
  • Fix: Some issues with CLS and product gallery.
  • Fix: Issue with rating spacing.
  • Fix: Bug with main thumbnail srcset, for variable product.
  • Fix: Issue with default variation image not switching with lightbox disabled.
  • Fix: Snackbar issue with some payment gateways.

2.0.4 1st July 2022

  • Add: Prebuilt Template System (more to come).
  • Add: Option in gallery to change image on thumbnail hover.
  • Add: Option to start with accordion (tabs) closed.
  • Update: Convert reviews to prevent multiple ajax actions.
  • Update: Brand product count cache to clear with other woocommerce transients.
  • Update: Language with regard to variation image replacements.
  • Fix: Gap css on some gallery layouts.
  • Fix: Alignment with variation add to cart buttons.
  • Fix: Issue with zoom z-index.
  • Fix: Issue with variation thumbnail layout in some cases.
  • Fix: Issue with add to cart and custom variation price.

2.0.3 22nd June 2022

  • Update: Allow gallery to change height based on image size.
  • Fix: Issue with upsell block.
  • Fix: Issue with ajax in variation products.

2.0.2 20th June 2022

  • Add: Dismissible Snackbar Notices.
  • Add: Archive: Main Query Block.
  • Add: Woocommerce Notice block.
  • Add: Custom Actions Block.
  • Add: Product Brands Block.
  • Add: Duplicate Post option in templates.
  • Add: Sale tag controls to gallery and image block.
  • Add: option to set related and upsell columns.
  • Add: option to set spacing between thumbnails.
  • Add: Option to define thumbnail columns in gallery block.
  • Add: Option to turn off product title in breadcrumbs.
  • Add: Option to disable lightbox in gallery.
  • Add: Option to change lightbox style to light.
  • Update: Gallery lightbox js.
  • Update: Cart notices name to cart banners to prevent confusion.
  • Update: Allow Cart banners to show when using cart block.
  • Update: Include 16:9 ratio option for gallery.
  • Update: Allow thumbnail columns to update based on variation gallery.
  • Update: Slider gallery to show pagination dots.
  • Fix: Issue with gallery not rendering in mobile preview.
  • Fix: Issue with gallery/variations when only featured image is set.
  • Fix: Issue if preview product is cleared or removed.

2.0.1 25th May 2022

  • Add: Three new Gallery layouts.
  • Add: Swatch option to show label above selection area.
  • Add: Size chart display position before selection area.
  • Update: Gallery Block Controls to include options to change layout.
  • Update: Image magnifier css issue.
  • Fix: Issue with some typography settings not rendering.
  • Fix: Issue with add to cart hide quantity not working.
  • Fix: Issue with all archives option.
  • Fix: sale tag in archive image.

2.0.0 20th May 2022

  • Add: New Woocommerce Template Editor.
  • Add: Variation galleries.
  • Add: Responsive settings for product galleries.
  • Add: New Admin Options Panel.
  • Update JS for gallery slider, fix cls issues.
  • Update: Size Chart CSS/JS. Add attribute select placement, Add Modal Title.
  • Update: Variation Pricing options to only show from when price is range.

1.6.28 13th December 2021

  • Fix: Issue with global tabs and php 8.

1.6.27 15th November 2021

  • Fix: Issue with swatches filter to work better with third-party plugins.
  • Fix: Issue with headers already sent.

1.6.26 8th November 2021

  • Add: Option to not follow product image sizes for product gallery.
  • Update: Increase product image width max width.
  • Update: Add Tab Label option to size charts.
  • Update: CMB2.
  • Update: CMB conditionals to prevent any conflicts.

1.6.25 13th October 2021

  • Add: Video Popup option to product gallery.
  • Fix: Possible notices with PHP 8

1.6.24 29th September 2021

  • Fix: Possible issue with PHP 8
  • Fix: Issue with gallery arrow.