
Let’s Be Fashionable & Live Lifestyle With The Emerging Solution

Pursue The Attractive Solutions To Get A Good Look & Good Living

The Fashion Industry Is Ready To Adopt The Real Solutions

As Fashion tends to do , it has changed from many decades. Technology helps fashion to reach to every possible fashionista. There are several fashion solutions to help make sense of. But, new solutions with the extra touch of the different technology makes overwhelmed.
Makes the lifestyle happening the lifestyles solutions also make point, and the cutting-edge of technology help it by making the solution much loved. Anyone can attest and use them to live better life, with the excitement.


Attire Selection Solution

A solution with the team of good designer & great customer service needs to be spread and should be adopted by fashionistas. Stylists on the app is different approach and you just have to tell them your choices and specifications. Feature of the solution are:

  • Profile registration
  • Question answering of choices(size, material, color, etc)
  • Category to select
  • Suggestions Are provided
  • Membership for personal shopper
  • Different types of the payment
  • Scheduling appointment with the shopper (if needed)

Slowly but indisputably IoT is changing fashion and lifestyle industry. That is not only about the designing clothing and all. IoT includes smart clothes and enhance the experience of the customer.

  • Smart Clothes Are Engaging And Interactive
  • Bluetooth Signals Can Help You Identify The Date
  • It Can Send Location
  • Real-Time Transmission With The Different Iot Sensors
  • Sensors To Monitor Heart Rate
  • GPS Tracking Sensor
  • Skin Fit Movement

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To allow the customer for the better understanding, wearable can give them valuable insights. There are many wearables collaborates with the fashion houses.

  • Inclusion/Exclusion Of Clothes For Your Health
  • Make Smart Phones To No Longer With Us
  • Book The Date , Schedule Appointment
  • Send GPS Location
  • Merge With Iot And Add Digital Clothing

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This industry was first that recognize the value of bot development. Whether it is e-commerce or it is for the dating app , chatbots are good options to get it. Because everyone loves personalizes approach.

  • Bots Can Help To Ask Questions
  • Faqs Answers
  • Gather Customer Data And Reply
  • Predict The Later Option
  • Direct Message To The Dating Person
  • Suggestions, Push Notifications

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