Name Type Race Tier Attack Health
"Galewing" Rat King Hero0030
"Lich King" Deryl Hero0030
"Mukla" Bigglesworth Hero0030
"Neltharion" Galakrond Hero0030
"Nozdormu" A. F. Kay Hero0030
"Y'Shaarj" Cookie Hero0030
A. F. Kay Hero0030
A. F. Kay, the Tempest Hero0030
Abyssal Volcano Ragnaros Hero0030
Adventure Beauty Reno Hero0030
AF Kitsune Hero0030
Agent Z Hero0030
Al'Akir Hero0030
Al'Akir the Skybreaker Hero0030
Al'Akir the Sweetlord Hero0030
Al'Akir the Whirlpool Hero0030
Alexstrasza Hero0030
Alexstrasza the Red Hero0030
Alexstrasza, Life's Flame Hero0030
Alexstrasza, Sea Dragon Queen Hero0030
Algalon Hero0060
Alterac Bob Hero0060
Amalgamech Wagtoggle Hero0030
Ambassador Faelin Hero0030
Anniversary Zephrys Hero0060
Announcer Gimblo Hero0060
Aranna Starseeker Hero0030
Aranna, Unleashed Hero0030
Arch-Host Rafaam Hero0030
Archimonde Hero0060
Arch-Villain Rafaam Hero0030
Arena-Champion Rokara Hero0030
Ashfallen Firewalker Hero0030
Axeman Thorim Hero0030
Azerite Varden Hero0030
BaconPHhero Hero0030
Balloon Blackthorn Hero0030
Ballroom Tamsin Hero0030
Banana Man Mukla Hero0030
Ban-Lu Nguyen Hero0030
Baroness Vashj Hero0030
Bartender Bob Hero0060
Bartender Roberta Hero0060
Bartendotron Hero0030
Bartendotron Hero0060
Battle Healer George Hero0030
Baz'hial, Unlife of the Party Hero0030
Beast Tess Hero0030
Benchwarmer A. F. Kay Hero0030
Benevolent Cariel Hero0030
Benevolent Faelin Hero0030
Bigglesworth, Feline Guide Hero0030
Blasterfox Hero0030
Bonethresher Sneed Hero0030
Bonfire Rakanishu Hero0030
Bookbaron Togwaggle Hero0030
Bookie Barov Hero0030
Brann Bronzegill Hero0030
Brawlin' Brann Hero0030
Brigand Drek'thar Hero0030
Bru'kan Hero0030
Bru'kan, Rock God Hero0030
Bulldog Bob Hero0060
Bulletstorm Al'Akir Hero0030
Burning Tauren Chieftain Hero0030
Butler Dribble Hero0060
Candle Rakanishu Hero0030
Candlelight Alexstrasza Hero0030
Cao Cao Rafaam Hero0030
Cap'n Hoggarr Hero0030
Captain Eudora Hero0030
Captain Hooktusk Hero0030
Captain Party-Crasher Hero0030
Captive Guest Nozdormu Hero0030
Cariel Roame Hero0030
Cariel, Hammer of Light Hero0030
Cariel, the Chosen Hero0030
Cat Burglar Bigglesworth Hero0030
Catalogue Curator Hero0030
Celebration Nguyen Hero0030
Chained Kael'thas Hero0030
Challenger Drek'thar Hero0030
Chaperone Barov Hero0030
Chargeleader Saurfang Hero0030
Chariot Driver Denathrius Hero0030
Chauffeur Millificent Hero0030
Chef Nomi Hero0060
Chenvaala Hero0030
Chillin' Vol'jin Hero0030
Cho Hero0030
Coach Eudora Hero0030
Colossal Dragonplate Saurfang Hero0030
Commander Vanndar Hero0030
Confetti Hooktusk Hero0030
Cookie the Cook Hero0030
Coral Keeper Omu Hero0030
Corruptor Cho Hero0030
Corruptor Gall Hero0030
Cosmic Bigglesworth Hero0030
Count Faelin Hero0030