Marian Salzman

Former Contributor|CMO Network

Marian leads Global Communications at Philip Morris International (PMI) as it embarks on its transformation to a smoke-free future. Named one of the world’s top five trendspotters (her most enduring contribution: popularizing “metrosexual” for brand marketing), Marian is one of

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7,237 viewsJul 5, 2021

Time Is Of The Essence For Marketers As Consumers Savor The Moment

I am operating in the “my time”—a COVID-born phenomenon that has enabled many of us to work to our natural biorhythms throughout 24-hour cycles, at intervals when we are at our most productive, creative, and receptive.

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645 viewsMay 6, 2021

The Cuspers Shooting For The Moon In The Modern World

Life-changing impressions such as the moon landing can occur in a nanosecond, helping to shape generational mindsets and behaviors. Only by segmenting generations can we identify links between people’s formative experiences and their values, viewpoints, and visions today.

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416 viewsMar 22, 2021

From Y2K To Y2038… To Yleavethehouse

A great deal can happen in 17 years (or in a month, as we learned in 2020). We can expect life—and how we market around, to and for these events—to be transformed by tech developments that are already in progress.

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2,703 viewsMar 9, 2021

Marketing Through The Pandemic

Life as we knew it in the world of marketing has been suspended or pared back until further notice. It has been like one of those creativity workshops where the leader spells out a challenge, everybody comes up with a solution.

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39,995 viewsDec 11, 2020

What Alex Trebek And Jeopardy! Can Teach Us About Marketing

In a year filled with loss, Alex Trebek’s death last month seemed like a case of piling on. For millions of viewers, Trebek’s Jeopardy! was a constant at a time when little else in the world seems certain.