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How to get Crystal Solvent in Wuthering Waves

Here's how to get Crystal Solvent to replenish Waveplate.

Menu view of the Crystal Solvent item in Wuthering Waves on a blurred background.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Kuro Games

Crystal Solvent is an important currency in Wuthering Waves, as you can use it to replenish your Waveplate, which is required to farm for character and weapon level-up materials.

To help you farm faster in Wuthering Waves, we've detailed how to get Crystal Solvent below. Be sure to also visit our Waveplate explainer to understand how it works, and how to get more Waveplate.

For more help in your travels across Solaris-3, check out our Banner schedule, multiplayer co-op explainer, and how to complete The Hidden Truth walkthrough.

On this page:

Wuthering Waves Global Launch Trailer | WAKING OF A WORLD.Watch on YouTube

What is Crystal Solvent in Wuthering Waves?

Menu view of the Crystal Solvent item in Wuthering Waves.
Crystal Solvent. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Kuro Games

Cystal Solvent is an item you can use to replenish your Waveplate in Wuthering Waves. You get 60 Waveplate per one Crystal Solvent used, and you can use Crystal Solvent by navigating to the 'Valuables' tab in the 'Backpack' menu, or when you run out of Waveplate when trying to claim your Challenge rewards.

While you can also replenish Waveplate by spending Astrite at a rate of 60 Astrite for 60 Waveplate Energy, we recommend just using Crystal Solvent, as there is a daily limit to converting Astrite into Waveplate, and isn't really worth it in our opinion. The Tides you can purchase with Astrite instead are more worth it in the long run - but it's up to you in the end!

How to get Crystal Solvent in Wuthering Waves

Here's how to get Crystal Solvent in Wuthering Waves:

  • Level-up the free Pioneer Podcast (battle pass).
  • Level-up the premium Pioneer Podcast.
  • Level-up the Data Bank.
  • Reach Union Level Milestones and claim Awakening Journey rewards.
  • Reach Union Level Milestones and claim free Level Bundles from the in-game shop.
  • Complete Milestone stages in the Guidebook.

It also might be possible to get Crystal Solvent by completing certain quests, but we haven't come across any yet.

Menu view of the Milestone part of the Guidebook in Wuthering Waves, with a white circle around the Crystal Solvent reward.
You can reach higher Milestone stages to get free Crystal Solvent. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Kuro Games

Once you've exhausted all the limited-time ways you can get Crystal Solvent, like completing Milestone stages and levelling up the Data Bank, the best way to get Crystal Solvent in Wuthering Waves is by levelling up the free and premium Pioneer Podcast battle pass. You get five Crystal Solvent from the free tier, and an additional seven from the premium tier.

All the best finding more Crystal Solvent in Wuthering Waves!

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