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Wing Commander this week

EA launches Live Arcade offering.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

EA has accidentally let slip that this week's Xbox Live Arcade offering will be Wing Commander Arena, which will cost 800 Microsoft points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.30) to buy.

It's a space-combat game where you fly your little ship around trying to achieve all sorts of objectives, like penetrating your enemy's hull and watching them get vacuumed out. Eyes popping like Schwarzenegger in Total Recall. We've seen a man die, readers. It wasn't pretty. It was just before dawn - they came out of nowh [stop that - Ed]

And while there is a single-player option to get your teeth into, the pull here is the online multiplayer for up to 16 - with team, free-for-all or duel modes.

In total there's eight multiplayer maps and nine environments, as well as around 18 ships and an awesome array of weaponry: cloaking devices, energy sucking torpedoes, mines, homing missiles, energy weapons and lots of other space-age knick-knacks.

It's the second Live Arcade game from publishing giant EA - the first being Bizarre Creation's musical big-banger Boom Boom Rocket.

We'll be bringing you our thoughts on Wing Commander Arena as soon as humanly possible.

Meanwhile you can pop over to our Wing Commander gallery for a look at what to expect.

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