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Will new Dark Souls PC content be released as console DLC?

Miyazaki: "I cannot answer your question."

As revealed last week, PC gamers picking up From Software's phenomenal action RPG Dark Souls in August can expect a sizeable chunk of brand new content to plough through.

The obvious question on console owners' lips - when do we get to play it? Well, game director Hidetaka Miyazaki isn't saying.

"It's completely understandable that people who bought the original console version have those questions [about DLC]," said Miyazaki at the game's recent Las Vegas reveal, as reported by Videogamer.

"However as a director of Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition I cannot answer your question.

"But I want to emphasise my sincere apologies for people who bought the original console [version] that we don't have any news for them at this point. I'm very sorry!"

He also touched on exactly what PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners might be missing out on.

"The original content will include three to four bosses, three to four areas. The numbers are still tbd. That's the amount of volume, and there will be a new storyline as well. And also there will be more NPCs, more enemies, and the equipment of NPCs or enemies will be available to wear."

Those who aren't spoiler-averse can get a closer look at the new stuff in the trailer below.

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